To ensure funds reach small projects in rural Alaska, all applicants must be a nonprofit or governmental organization in rural Alaska or be a project that targets this area to apply. We ask that all applications provide the application form linked below, a copy of their IRS determination letter and a 1-2 page proposal letter.
How our process works
Our board and staff meet in the month following the application cutoff date to review the grant applications. Each application will be notified of the board’s decision to fund or not fund the grant request. If an application is received after the cutoff date, it will be kept for consideration in the next award cycle. If the funding is seasonally sensitive, please reach out to our staff.
The board is made up of volunteers who have schedules that may not allow for the applications to be reviewed within the month following the deadline. If you have questions about the status of your application, please submit an email requesting an update.

April 30th
August 31st
November 30th
Have a question or need help?
Please submit all applications via our form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I still apply if my organization has an open grant during the submission period?No, all awardees must: 1) have submitted a final report upon project completion 2) have not received a grant within the prior 12 months 3) have spent all of the money awarded unless having notified the Foundation administration staff.
How do I submit my application?We strongly recommend uploading your application to our website. However, applications that are mailed to the Foundation will also be considered. If you would like to mail your application, please send it to: RurAL CAP Foundation c/o Rural Energy Enterprises, Inc. 6637 Arctic Spur Road Anchorage, AK 99518
What if I submit after the deadline period?If an application is received after the cutoff date, it will be kept for consideration in the next award cycle. If the funding is seasonally sensitive please reach out to our staff at
When will I be notified if I’ve received a grant award?The board meets within the month following the cutoff date. If your application is approved, a check will be mailed shortly after the board’s decision with an award letter and a form to submit your project’s final report. If your application is not funded, you will receive a letter notifying you of the board’s decision. Your notification should come within a month of the application deadline, however scheduling conflicts may arise that will not allow the board to meet within that following month. If you don’t receive a notification, please contact our staff to request an update at
How long do I have to complete my project?Generally, grants awarded by the Foundation take 12 months or less to complete. However, we are aware that some projects may take longer due to scheduling conflicts, material delays, etc. Once a grant is completed we require a final report to be submitted. To be eligible for future grants with the Foundation, this must be submitted upon project completion.

Apply for a grant
Step 1:
All applicants must complete the application form and provide the required documentation. Before applying, please download our grant guidelines for information about how to apply and what is expected. You will need the most current version of Adobe Reader to fill out the application form. Click here to install.
Step 2:
Once you have read the guidelines and completed your application, fill in your information and upload your application to submit.