The RurAL CAP Foundation provides small grants for rural Alaska nonprofits to initiate and carry out important programs and services that may have difficulty finding funding elsewhere. We promote projects that have the potential to create long-lasting impacts– strengthening local culture, community development, youth leadership, healthy lifestyles and sharing traditional ways of knowing.

What drives our
Foundation’s purpose?
Our Mission
To fund small local projects that meet community needs in rural Alaska.
Our Vision
That rural Alaska communities have access to funds that help them implement their solutions to meet local challenges and needs.
Our Values
We respect all Alaska Native cultures:
their traditions, knowledge and values.
We are deeply connected to rural Alaska life.
We prioritize community-driven projects.
We promote clean environments, healthy communities and Elder and youth connectedness.
Our Board
Empowering rural Alaska communities is at the core of what we do. Our team and board consist of dedicated individuals deeply connected to rural Alaska who promote the success of projects funded through the Foundation.
Thank you to our funding partners who support us in continuing our work throughout rural Alaska.